Brenda Ferguson (July 9, 1959 – March 23, 2015 ) was always intrigued by hands and the stories they tell. One Hundred Hands was a shared artistic endeavor involving a series of 100 paintings. It was an opportunity for you to provide the images she painted...and a chance for Brenda to capture a moment in your time. On this blog she shared your images, the paintings they inspired and the process of creating them. She invited "you to join me, creating art together, hand in hand."

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Choice Pick 001

This is my sweet neighbor, two at the time, who already has very discerning taste about organic flowers and produce. Her hands and her mind are ever curious.

1 comment:

Linda Richard Wilt said...

LOVE this theme! Great idea and great interpretation! Thanks for sharing. :-)

Linda Richard Wilt